Exercise Your Way to Wellness

Our aversion towards exercise in the first place always helps in piling up excuses for not being able to commit. Setting aside our absurd pleas, we can instead try to motivate ourselves to be __more dedicated towards exercise, since it helps us keep fit and healthy.  Gym is not the only effective solution for exercise; there are perfectly other workable alternatives around the home, the office and even in the cars we ride.

These alternatives make full use of furniture and other infrastructure available at home to do all the components of fitness like warm up stretches, cardiovascular training, strength training, and finally even cooling down stretches.

One must exercise at least five to six times a week for 45- 60 minutes and this can be broken down in two to  three periods of activity over the course of the day for the same health benefits as one continuous  session.

People can conveniently perform a complete indoor aerobic movement routine - one that works the body's large muscles and raises the heart rate, making it stronger.

Making a record of tasteful peppy music to fit the length of planned exercising session has been proven to be valuable. Any music with a steady energizing beat is suitable. 

To avoid inadvertent injury, one must always wear a good pair of sports / aerobic shoes with cushioned sole.

Instead of sitting for long hours at one place we can just take a walk within the house, in the corridors or even in the terrace. 

Marching or going up and down the stairs is an excellent and super-easy form of aerobic exercise. 

Other low impact aerobic steps include simple dancing to music which also provides a good Cardio workout.

Working at a desk for long hours often leads to postural fatigue. Simple neck and shoulder exercises while sitting can be done when ever possible and they take only about a few minutes. These are the same exercises recommended for long flights in airlines.

 Toning of abdominal muscles works wonders for the pot belly. It can be done by just isometric contraction (tucking the tummy in and holding for a few seconds) of the Abdominal muscles. Holding for a count of 10 is equal to performing one abdominal crunch. Similarly lower abdominal and pelvic floor tightening can be achieved by just contracting and holding the bladder for a count of 10 and then relaxing for a few cycles every day. This can be done anywhere, any time and any number of times, and it is not even noticed.

 Gentle exercises like neck rolls, finger curls, finger walks, palm press to the upper chest, back, side, hamstring and quadriceps stretches, shoulder rolls and standing push-ups, tummy and seated twists can all be easily done at home with no __more special equipment than what is always available plus it also eases tension, increases flexibility and get our blood circulation going!

Our well qualified and trained physiotherapists in VLCC centres are always at hand to monitor, guide and support the customers on these exercises which is part of the holistic approach; completely natural and scientific weight management services are provided here delivering weight loss, body shaping and improvement in overall health and wellbeing; all leading to a healthy, active life, free of aches and pains.

All these we do at VLCC without crash diets, appetite suppressants, or artificial food supplements and without any side effects helping you to enjoy good health for life.

Photo and content courtesy: VLCC