The news section of the Guardian on 14 January contained four pictures of the US president-elect (pages 6, 26, 28 and 41), not to mention the political cartoon rendering on page 29. It seems to me this is helping to create an icon. As I admire and appreciate the excellence of the Guardian, I wonder how you determine when enough is enough, or in this case, too much.
Tom Miller
Stromness, Orkney
• Surely if NHS hospitals didn’t have to pay business rates (Rates pain for hospitals, 12 January) the problem of NHS funding would almost be solved. Or perhaps they should declare themselves a charity, as private hospitals do, and ask for an 80% rebate. I suggest the Guardian starts a petition to stop this anomaly.
Moira Robinson
Kidlington, Oxfordshire
• I have a question for your anonymous correspondent (Letters, 16 January). If the job of a GP is the cushy number, why do so few medical graduates want to make a career in that branch of the NHS?
David Nove
Duffield, Derbyshire
• I remember from my childhood 65 years ago that my mother had a Weetabix butter spreader (Letters, 16 January) which I believe she had inherited after my grandfather died. It was a short knife with a rounded bulbous blade end which was cross-hatched (presumably to aid the spread of hard butter on crumbly Weetabix) and bore the legend “Weetabix Spreader”.
Judith Kent
• I used to note that, during interviews, politicians began their answers with “clearly”, while scientists began with “so” (Letters, 16 January). “Clearly” has all but disappeared, while “so” is widespread. Evidence that we have stopped listening to politicians?
Jennifer Gale
Littleham, Devon
• I would suggest a fourth cause of finger cuts that need hospital treatment (Letters, 14 January) and that is the one after the ceremony of the corned beef tin and the key.
Linda Gresham
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