Donald Trump has received negative reviews not only from around the world, but also from beyond the grave. A recently discovered unpublished note by the late Donald Judd, written in 1989, reveals that the US artist did not think much of the property tycoon, now US president-elect. Judd recounts reading an interview with Trump in Life magazine while he was sitting in the dentist’s office. “He says in Life that he only buys ‘Old Masters and that contemporary art is a con’,” Judd wrote. “And of course ‘real-estate development’ is a good honest business.” The note, part of the Judd Foundation’s archive, was uncovered by the artist’s son Flavin Judd, who is the co-president of the foundation. Last month, the foundation published Donald Judd: Writings, a new collection of the artist’s essays and notes. The bit about Trump did not make it into the book because his father’s handwriting could not be deciphered in time, Flavin revealed during a talk in New York last month.