Ten Commandments of Leadership


Archaeologists digging in old company records have recently discovered two mysterious tablets (also called "wall plates") recorded the following laws:

I. You remain optimistic.

Because your employees look to you for leadership, you should not leave your troubles and worries cast a dark cloud over everyone, for this way is a failure.

I I. You set a clear direction.

If you want to be a leader, you must create a vision in the minds of his disciples to where and how they carry. Otherwise, your organization and wandering in the desert.

III. You must create a viable plan.

Although no plan should be written in stone and plans should be modified if conditions change, if you fail to plan, then actually also plan to fail.

IV. You must ensure adequate resources.

While writing true that faith can move mountains, faith must be accompanied by bulldozers, dump trucks and paid staff who know how to use them.

V. You listen more than talk.

Leadership is not about the conference and then give orders. Leadership is to understand what others want and use the desire to serve the common good.

VI. You do not hold meetings without an agenda.

Before each meeting send a decree defining what will be discussed and for how long. His own decree is then set as the productivity of the whole team depends on it. Because, in fact, it does.

VII. You do not criticize in public.

While his staff and colleagues are composed of fools and knaves, public humiliation creates resentment. If a disciple deserves a reprimand, shall provide in the privacy of his office.

VIII. Do not ask an employee to do something that you would not do yourself.

Truly great leaders must make a piece of trash on the floor of a corridor, down, pick it up and throw it away.

IX. You will not make for yourself a bottleneck.

If you insist on making every final decision, stop the progression of your organization. If you can not delegate, no sense to pretend to be a leader.

X. You give your team the credit.

True leaders accept the blame when things go wrong and take any credit when things go well. Their reward is just the love and commitment of those who continue to work for you