Two private dorms for Nazrul univ girls gutted

Two private dormitories for female students of Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University were burnt to ashes on Saturday evening, said police.

Police and Fire Brigade and Civil Defense personnel rushed to the spot and brought the fire under control, Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Trishal Police Station Md Moniruzzaman said.

Around 60 female students had been residing in Shashi Chhatri Nibash and Aniruddha Chhatri Nibash at Namapara in Trishal upazila, the OC said.

“Soon after the incident, we asked the provost of Dulonchanpa, the lone residential hall for female students of the university, to accommodate the affected students on an emergency basis and she complied,” said Proctor Dr Md Jahidul Kabir.

A six-member probe body headed by the proctor has been asked to submit its report within four working days.

The fire might have started from an electric short circuit, Moniruzzaman said, adding all the belongings of the students, including books, papers and furniture, were burnt to ashes.