Becoming Mies: Jeff Bridges to portray the Modernist architect

Becoming Mies: Jeff Bridges to portray the Modernist architect
Jeff Bridges (courtesy Thomas Attila Lewis)

Rumours are rife that the top-notch actor Jeff Bridges will step into the shoes of Mies van der Rohe, playing the famous Modernist architect in a forthcoming film focused on one of his most popular buildings, Farnsworth House in Plano, Illinois. Maggie Gyllenhaal will play Edith Farnsworth, the high-profile nephrologist behind the distinctive glass, concrete and steel house. Farnsworth commissioned Der Rohe in 1945; the house, which is owned by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, was completed in 1951.The film will reportedly depict the peaks and troughs of their relationship. "It would certainly generate __more public interest in the Farnsworth House, and that's a good thing," Maurice Parrish, the house’s executive director, told the Chicago Tribune.